3 Ways To Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Do you get caught and cold easily?

When viral infections are spreading during the rainy season, are you the one who gets caught easily by viruses?

Are you the one whose stomach gets upset after eating on the streets?

If you are a victim of the above circumstances then definitely you have a weak immune system!

So in this post, we will learn how to increase your immune system naturally.

Immune System: Definition

According to Harvard, the immune system does a job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms. You can read more about on Harvard’s official website, https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/how-to-boost-your-immune-system.

Yes. The immune system is the body’s capacity to fight against disease-causing micro-organisms to function your body normally. 

So to be healthy and have a balanced life we should always work on improving our immune system. 

To increase the immune system there are numerous ways. Nowadays, due to extensive marketing strategies, people are doing baseless things. Eating medicines to increase the immunity system. 

Really? I always wonder how one can take pills to increase the immune system. The thing we should move away from by increasing our immune system, we are eating that to increase it. What an irony!

Ayurveda says, “Your Food is Your Medicine.”

There is so much deep meaning inside the above one line. If you understand it properly your 90% health problems will be solved. Guaranteed!

If you eat the right kind of for or in yogic language ‘Satvic Food’ your body will not produce diseases in your body. Even your mind will be calm. Your whole system will be balanced and you will have better concentration in your day to day work.

Introduction: Boost Your Immune System Naturally.

There various ways to boost your immunity naturally by having various foods like eating Vitamin C rich foods, Haldi, Gilloy, etc. But we will not discuss the about food in this article. We will keep this a natural procedure, without food including in it. 

Nature wants us to be healthy. Nature has designed our body which will be healthy on the environment on earth. But due to the modern lifestyle and following western culture, we are moving towards a more passive lifestyle. 

We are the people who enjoy pub & Dj more than morning sunlight. 

So if we are not following the natural lifestyle for which our body is designed by nature, then definitely we will be more receptive to the disease causing microbes. 

So we will discuss some natural methods for which our body is made up of. 

4 methods to increase your immune system naturally:

1. Take Ample of Sunlight

In the villages, during the storage of grains, major losses happen due to insects and pests. So what they do? They spread them in the sunlight. After heating properly all the insects and pests move away. 

The above thing is the same as our body too. Our body is meant to be in sunlight. It should at least take 30 minutes of sunlight every day. Because it heats up our body and kills the unnecessary microbes on and inside or body. 

Even Corona Virus cannot survive in temperature more than 27 Degree Celsius. To kill the Corona Virus you should take sunbathing for at least 30 minutes. It is a natural sanitizer.

As you want to heat your food, you use fire in different forms. So as to heat up your body you must use the only body heater, a natural body heater. That is the Sun. 

Morning and evening sunlight will also provide your Vitamin-D.

2. Fasting

Some will say how fasting can improve our immune system?

Yes. Indeed!

Fasting is a powerful process to clean your body naturally. 

Our ancient saints connected fasting with the God-thing and made it a mainstream process of day to day living. We usually listen from our mother that she has fasting on a particular day of the month or week.
Now the question comes to your mind that how fasting can clean our body? Let us understand this.

When we eat something naturally our body and its energies works to digest the food that has been eaten. So if we eat more the more energy requires to digest the food. That is why we feel sleepy after eating more food because the major portion of the energy gets diverted to digest the food. 

So what happens we are on a fast. Our body has ample energy. That energy is used in cleaning up the body. Removing unnecessary toxins and microbes from the body. 

That is how the body is cleaned up naturally without spending a single rupee on it. Therefore fasting is important. We should atleast do it for once in a month. 

As our body gets cleaned up due to fasting, our immunity starts to build up. Because there are no toxins in the body. The body is ready for any attack. That is how fasting increases immunity.

3. Exercise and Pranayama

We should do a lot of physical work. Physical work removes toxins in your body through sweat.

Physical work also makes your blood circulation proper. Every part of the body receives an ample amount of blood so work more efficiently.

The body becomes fit and fine. 

It is also said that physical exercise slows down the release of stress homes. Lower stress hormones reduce the chances of illness.

Do pranayama regularly. It increases your Prana - Energy and provides more oxygen to the body.
You can read more about my blogpost on Bhastrika Pranayama, which will help you boost your immunity to fight against corona virus. https://yognil.blogspot.com/2020/03/bhastrika-can-save-you-from-heart-attack.html


We discussed 3 things to boost your immune system naturally:
1. Take ample of sunlight
2. Fasting
3. Exercise and Pranayama

If you do above 3 simple things your health life will suddenly move to new heights. I can bet on this. Our mind is such that it ignores simple things in life. But the greatest secret of life lies in the simplest of things.

All the above things do not require a single rupee. Only your sincere efforts and time. And I am sure you will start them. Start a small. Because the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Just take that one step!

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